Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Mark Knopfler Gig in Bournmouth!

Justin simply had to go and see his hero Mark Knopfler playing live which turned out to be in Bournmouth, in the UK.
A few days off with his lovely partner down in the fabulous Isle of Purbeck was exactly what was needed to recharge the old batteries!
A few piccies of the area will prove that this is indeed one of the beauty spots in the whole of the UK that truly should be explored.
The Hotel was "a little outdated" but a change of room sorted out most of the wrinkles and the breakfast buffet was splendid!
Wonderful weather and some freshly cleared arteries meant some exersize was in order and was even enjoyable!!
The gig? Well Mark had a trapped nerve so had to do the whole gig sitting down with a roadie changing his guitars for him between songs. He is still a great talent and with a bunch of guys he has played along with for 20 years or so it was indeed slick! Never had Justin thought that those old Dire Straits album tracks could be played live with such panache. Telegraph Road ? It was very well received.
The mind was cast back to another gig in Bournmouth many many years ago and who was topping the bill on that night? Jimi Hendrix thats who. Electric Ladyland was just released and NOTHING prepared Justin for the wall of sound and vision that hit when the curtains parted in darkness to reveal red amp lights across the entire stage! What a night. Ah well that was another world and this is space to be filled with eclectic bits and bobs. There will probably be a predominance if photography in the future so here we go.

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